A story that stirs and inspires Discovering words that speak profound truths that you struggle to structure and articulate = revelation and relief, CS Lewis - Widely read and quoted. Someone who I was intimidated to read. Simply because I felt it was beyond my depth A fear my intellect would not be able to comprehend Silly, I know... but true. A quote by CS Lewis was written out and posted by a singer I admire, from his work called ' The Weight of Glory' A stirring. Interest peaked A longing to grow in understanding To be challenged. I began to read. And re-read The same 10 pages 5 times. I wanted to absorb what he was saying. To be able to reiterate it so clearly when opportunity to share came along It was like he understood me The way in which my mind tried to make sense of things. "We usually notice it just as the moment of vision dies away , as the music ends, or as the landscape loses the celestial light . What we fee...