The more things change the more they stay the same. Among all the things that are ever changing, I have one childhood tradition that remains. Upon this one Christmas Tradition, I have discovered a dependable enjoyment. Each year I watch Gillian Armstrong's(1994)film adaptation of Louise May Alcott's 'Little Women'. My Christmas would be incomplete without it. Christmas 2014 watching with Faith To be completely honest, every time I watch this film, there is a part of me, a small part That secretly hopes and I can even venture to say believe to be a possibility. That Jo had made a different choice. That Beth did not fall ill. The trouble is, each time I watch, the ending is the same. And I am left in tears. But here's the thing. Every year this story becomes something more to me A new revelation A fresh sense of identification to a characters situation or personality. Missed, gone unheard or not comprehended in the dialogue I now understand. Al...