Lost keys.
A fairly straight forward path taken to and from work.
Dad lost them and was stretched for time to search.
So I offered to look.
The clouds were dark and threatening.
Time was limited.
Light was diminished.
Determined as I was, I was unable to find them.
Walking back home feeling rather disappointed that they may be lost for good.
The storm pressed in.
Lightening, thunder and a heavy beautiful rain, bringing the refreshment the earth needed so desperately.
It didn't last long.
The sun broke through the clouds.
Bright and beautiful for the last hours of the day.
And I noticed the way the rain had made everything shine when the rays of light found it.
A stirring within.
A recognition.
Rain had watered the earth and left it's mark, illuminating everything the sun touched.
Sparkly and fresh.
The search must continue.
As the storm that sent me hiding, now brought about what may help me to find what had been lost.
Once again determined to find the missing keys, I went out, praying for the discernment to look in the right places and to see with a fresh set of eyes.
Feeling hope diminish, yet again, I made my way back towards home.
But I felt the nudge and I trusted my instinct to glance back to my right for one last final look.
Eyes settled in disbelief, for a brief moment registering the reality that lay there.
Dad's keys.
I had walked by that very spot 4 times and had not seen them.
But there they were.
Illuminated by the sunshine.
Lost and now found.
Yesterday's message at church still stirring in my heart, as I picked them up and was overcome with joy.
They were lost, but now they were found.
The pastor shared a story about a Shepherd.
A word image, when spoken to the original audience, that everyone could relate.
Jesus spoke about himself being the good Shepherd.
He talks about a Shepherd leaving the 99 to find
the missing 1.
the missing 1.
A Shepherd doesn't just value the 1 over the 99.
He would leave the 99 in the appropriate care and then search for the 1.
Because each is of value.
Sometimes we can feel lost.
Separated from the herd.
Without meaning to be.
Perhaps it feels like we have been left out from the herd.
Holding that belief, distracted by what others have and in search of our own thing, we venture away.
And suddenly we can feel far.
The storm comes and keeps us hidden
and we feel scared and alone.
and we feel scared and alone.
Less valuable somehow.
But the storm will pass.
The sun will shine.
And the rays of light will help illuminate the 1,
to the Shepherd who is searching.
to the Shepherd who is searching.
Never removed from the heart of the Shepherd.
The 1 just didn't know it.
The 1 just didn't know it.
Maybe you feel lost.
Look towards the sun.
And let it warm you.
Let it illuminate you.
And remind yourself, that you cannot hide from its light.
You will be found.
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